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Biography of Erica Bloch -
I am 24 years old. I was born in Portland, but spent the majority of my life in Las Vegas. Most people think that would not be great a place to raise children, but I had a pretty normal childhood. We didn’t live anywhere near The Strip. I came to Oregon to go to college. I started at Western Oregon University and ended up graduating from Oregon State University. You will know once football season starts because I’ll be decked out in my OSU gear every Friday, and will be either really happy or sad Monday morning (depending on the results of the game). I love working with kids, I have babysat for as long as I can remember and wanted to be a teacher since 3rd grade. I always thought I was going to go into Elementary education, but the more time I spent around the Preschool age the more I started leaning towards that. Besides teaching children my other passion is Ballroom Dancing. I have been doing it on and off for 8 years and hope to be able to teach it some day. I am getting married in September to a wonderful man named Nick and am very excited to be starting that part of my life. I am so very thankful to be working here with Shae and Chanteil. I am very excited to be working with your children and to be doing what I love to do.

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